A funeral ceremony is the final element of an individual's life so it is important that the ceremony captures, celebrates and honours that individual in the most heartfelt and personal way.
A funeral ceremony provides the opportunity to celebrate, honour and remember a life whilst paying tribute to the individual's character, personality and achievements. It is a time to gather together to share precious memories as well as to grieve, whilst sending that person on their final journey.
A funeral ceremony may take place either inside or outside, most usually in a crematorium chapel and/or at a graveside, incorporating a range of musical choices, poems, readings and photographic tributes. Some families choose a particular theme which, for example, may represent the deceased's love of a hobby or interest.
Physical elements such as a dove, lantern or balloon release or candle ceremony may be included. A celebrant led ceremony provides opportunity to add personal touches in order to bring out and celebrate an individual's character, personality and interests regardless of whether you choose burial or cremation.
I will meet with you either in your home or an alternative location at a time convenient to you, so that we can share memories and life stories. Although based in Gloucestershire, I will travel to neighbouring counties.
There are several things you may wish to consider including in the funeral ceremony, such as a Eulogy or Tribute, readings and poems and music which can include hymns. You may also wish to include the Lord's Prayer. I will provide suggestions and guidance to help you to make these decisions.
We do not have to follow a preset framework or template, however, if you prefer a funeral ceremony following a more traditional style, I can create this for you. Every ceremony I write is completely bespoke. Following our meeting I will create a unique funeral ceremony that will pay tribute to your loved one containing only the the information and content that you request.
Following cremation, I can create a ceremony to be held at the graveside, in the Gardens of Remembrance or subject to permissions, other locations, for the burial or scattering of ashes.
You may wish to hold the funeral ceremony directly at the graveside or a natural burial ground. To enhance the ceremony, candles may be lit or a seed scattering take place, subject to appropriate permission of the land owner.
For families who choose direct cremation or a small intimate funeral, a Memorial, Thanksgiving or Celebration of Life Ceremony held at a later date enables families to pay personal tribute to a loved one and can take place inside or outside in any location. This provides opportunity to personalise and have a longer ceremony to include music, readings and family tributes. The freedom of holding a ceremony of this type enables families to go to a place that may have had significant or special meaning in the person's life. I can create and deliver a personal ceremony in memory of your loved one incorporating all the personal touches to truly honour them.
If you are considering pre-planning your funeral, you may also wish to pre-plan your ceremony. I can meet with you to discuss your thoughts and ideas so you can take the pressure away from your family members whilst putting your wishes in place.
Writing a eulogy or tribute can be a daunting experience. If you prefer, I can take care of this on your behalf, and by asking thoughtful and considerate questions, I will create the 'Life Story'.
You may wish to lead your own ceremony as a family but don't want the additional pressure of writing the the eulogy, tribute or script.
I can write this on your behalf for you to deliver at the ceremony.
Funeral service in a local crematorium chapel, at the graveside or other local venue £250.
Funeral service followed by local burial £250.
Funeral service followed by burial elsewhere £280.
Please contact me for funerals taking place further afield or over separate days and/or venues.
I do not charge a fee for children under 16 years.
Memorial / Thanksgiving ceremony in a local venue £250.
For local cemeteries and areas £75
Please contact me for prices for Funerals, Memorial and Thanksgiving Ceremonies and the Scattering or Interment of Ashes in areas further afield.
I am usually booked and paid directly by Funeral Director. However, if no Funeral Director is involved, I will send an invoice to the client in line with my terms and conditions.
For prices for ceremony pre-planning or eulogy, tribute and script writing, please contact me on 07528 788836 or by email info@classicceremonies.co.uk